Participants: Prof. Milena Kirova, Prof. Inna Peleva, Prof. Totka Monova, Assoc. Prof. Ani
Burova, Assoc. Prof. Nikolay Papuchiev, Prof. Kamelia Nikolova, Assoc. Prof. Boris Minkov,
Assoc. Prof. Gergina Krasteva, Prof. Albena Vacheva, Assoc. Prof. Lyudmila Mindova, Dr.
Galina Georgieva
With the cooperation of Sofia Literature and Translation House.
- Prof. Inna Peleva, D. Litt., Socialism: Strategies of Literary Retrospection
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gergina Krasteva, The 1970s in Transit/ion towards the New 21 st Century,
or The Memory of Literary Autoanthologies - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lyudmila Mindova, The Invisible in the Literature of the Transition
- Prof. Milena Kirova, D. Litt., The Novel in the First Decade of the 21 st Century: What Is
Happening with Our “Critical Realsim”? - Prof. Dr. Totka Monova, Media Images and Stories of the Transition and Their
Transference to Transmedial Text Formats - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Boris Minkov, Victor Paskov’s Trilogy (A Ballad for Georg Henig, Germany
– A Dirty Tale, Postmortem of a Love) and the Transition - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ani Burova, The Transition in the Contemporary Bulgarian Novel:
Thematic Accents and Semantic Contexts - Prof. Kamelia Nikolova, D. Sc., Images of the Transition in Contemporary Bulgarian
Dramaturgy - Dr. Galina Georgieva, Images of the Transition in Post-1989 Bulgarian Cinema
- Prof. Albena Vacheva, D. Litt., Socialism and Childhood. Maturation and Transition
- Assoc. Prof. Nikolay Papuchiev, D. Litt., The Transition 20 Years Later: Results from an
Interview-based Study